5 posts

The comeback of The Cascade

The comeback of The Cascade · 4 min read

A lot of smart people have been involved in writing the specs for CSS, and evolving it to meet the needs of today's applications. And if you listen to them, you may start to get an appreciation for everything the cascade gives us.

Published February 21, 2022
Engineering CSS: applying method to the madness

Engineering CSS: applying method to the madness · 17 min read

Many folks underestimate and undervalue CSS, believing it’s not much more than a collection of magical incantations to make web pages look pretty. In reality, it takes real engineering discipline to write systematic, modifiable, and proactive code.

Published January 8, 2020

The difference between margin and padding · 5 min read

From a purely visual point of view, while it may sometimes seem that setting margin: 10px is equivalent to setting padding: 10px, there is a key conceptual difference between them.

Published June 18, 2016

Values for writing maintainable and scalable CSS · 4 min read

There is a veritable alphabet soup of methodologies out there which have some worthwhile ideas about how to write saner and more structured CSS. This post is not about any of those methodologies, or about why CSS sucks. This post is about getting back to basics: things we value in our CSS.

Published May 19, 2016
CSS Typography

Using rems for saner typography · 7 min read

Using relative units is essential to responsive design, and considering the infinite scenarios in which web content can be viewed, it is almost always necessary to be responsive by default. Let’s demystify when to use rems, ems, and pixels.

Published May 16, 2016